Lily’s Story
DiV introduced me to their world of coding and the exciting part is that we’re a sisterhood. So during the bootcamp, I met inspiring and supportive sisters and DiV made us family. It was a very interesting experience. Our tutors were awesome and really nice to us in all aspects. There were sessions that were student-led where we taught our DIV sisters various topics in Javascript. These sessions boosted our confidence and urged us to put in effort in understanding programming concepts and learn new stuff on our own as well.
During the bootcamp we were put in pairs to work on projects(pair programming) as this aimed to teach us to work as a “real” team:
M -More.
There were also sessions where Miss Ivy spoke to us about important things we needed to know in our journey to success. She even taught about how to improve upon our CVs and LinkedIn. She told us about the power of positive affirmations too and we used to say positive words to ourselves every morning before class begun. This was very helpful because as time goes by, these words hold in your life and you see results.
We also had resource persons coming around to share their stories and these sessions were really inspiring and encouraging. Some extra curricular activities we had included Girl Talk, The Day I Messed Up, debates, opening act and some others which contributed to the fun part of the bootcamp. Even on Valentine’s Day we had an exciting and interesting time where love was thrown around like confetti. We tagged it secret pal where a sister got a gift for her pal.
Sometimes challenges were thrown to us to work out. Though they were sometimes scary, they pushed our abilities,limits and confidence. Debugging sessions were very helpful and fun as well. On the eve of the final day, we had a family time having pizza, singing, hugging each other, with some people even crying. It was a nice time and really appreciated the presence and knowing of one another.
The entire bootcamp was awesome. I’m glad I was a part of it as I learnt a lot and had my life impacted. Girls should not be prevented from pursuing their STEM interests. We have to be agents of change and keep reaching for higher heights!
I am a Developer in Vogue!