I Will Get There
It is always a very significant turn in life when you have to choose the career path that you want to focus on. This is because your choice can either help you bring the best out of yourself or completely break you to make you someone different, for the better or the worst.
Growing up, I have always dreamt of being a lot of things, some that I still can’t imagine for myself right now. I have wanted to be a pilot, a surgeon, a flight attendant, a teacher, and at times, a soldier. I started my first year at Ashesi, thinking that along the way, I would change my major to Mechanical Engineering, at least that what I thought I wanted to do at that time. Currently, I find myself proudly saying that I am studying Computer Engineering, with no hope of switching to a different major.
It was a hustle the day I learned my first Python program. It was like nothing made sense and even the idea of me programming freaked me out. Coding in Python is my worst experience, though, after some days and nights of a lot of practice, I finally got the hang of it, and my skills in Python became better. It took me some time to become confident in my Python programming skills because I was off to a bad start, but I thank my peers for always being there to assist whenever I needed a helping hand.
When we started learning Java, the world turned up-side-down for me again as Java was way harder to process. I had to humble myself in all these scenarios in order to come up victorious. Currently, I am technically an intermediate programmer in Python and a beginner in Java.
The minute I got the hang of programming, I realized that I wanted to do it for the rest of my life, but I did not want to be a Computer Science major, so I stuck to Computer Engineering. The going is tough, but I decided to become resilient and make things happen for myself. I decided to make something out of my setbacks. I became confident in myself, and I also became motivated to achieve higher than where I had set the bar for myself. By now, after my first year at Ashesi, I can proudly speak up when the question of what I want to become in life strikes me in the face.
I heard they are friendly, sweet, loving, and I have experienced the DiV Spirit on my own, such that I understand when someone talks about the bonding with these girls. I am proud to be part of Developers in Vogue, and I’m very confident that they will take the steps necessary to make sure that I sit in a Software Developer’s office one day, proud to have achieved what I have always wanted.
~ Lorraine Makuyana